May 1, 2016

Welcome to Uther3D

Hi Everyone,

The day has finally arrived and the rebranding, and reopening of Uther 3D is here! We are certain that you share the excitement of this day with us as you will now have the functionality you have come to love returned to your closet!

We would like to take a moment to thank the staff of UV Deviant for originally bringing these features to the community. And we would also like the thank the Utherverse staff for allowing all of the uploads to our new systems to be safely stored on their servers! There are many moving parts in all business deals, and we are thankful for everyone's participation!

With today's reopening, you will again have access to the Fashion Catalog, Prop Catalog, Property Catalong, and the Advanced Avatar editor:

The FASHION CATALOG goes above and beyond the in-game catalog. Our Fashion catalog allows you to sell and/or purchase items that contain non-standard meshes, or non-standard mesh slots. There are far fewer restrictions on our Uther3D system than on the current Utherverse Clothing System.

Our PROP CATALOG will allow you to browse and purchase custom prop textures for use in your Utherverse virtual properties. The prop catalog offers an automated purchase system for props that is not currently available within the Utherverse website.

The PROPERTY CATALOG is an online showcase of properties available for sale within the Verse. All properties are listed with multiple images, decorator contact info, and a link to tour the property in 3D - take a full in-depth tour to help you make your purchase decision.

And lastly, our ADVANCED AVATAR EDITOR. The AAE is super useful tool that can be utilized to move items to other layers, slots, etc. Want your makeup on tattoo layer? Perhaps you need to reassign your wings to the glasses slot in order to wear longer hair? The Advanced Avatar Editor makes it as simple as clicking a button or two.

While you will see all these features back online today, any previously purchased clothing from the old site, or clothing that you purchase in the next few days from the U3D site, will still appear white in world for the next few days. The changes needed to correct that issue are very simple, and are in the works, but will need to be made during business hours at some point in the coming week. We will update you here as that gets rectified. But all your UVC clothing will be accessible using the advanced editor.

Our tech team has worked long and hard to get the site back online and operational for you, and they have done an outstanding job! But we don't intend to stop there! we have some exciting new features coming soon for designers, prop makers, and decorators alike! Keep checking back here for new news, and watch the Utherverse forum for upcoming exciting announcements!

Thanks for your ongoing support!

~Uther3D Team
Tergie, Ari, & Toddie

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