var ProgressGIF = ""; /**************************************************************************************************************************/ /* Javascript Window Popup thingy */ var winMaxWidth = 0, winMaxHeight = 0, winTitle = "", winContent = "", winIncrements = 0, winTimer = 0, winLoops = 0, winTimerMethod; function OpenWindowAnimate(wWidth, wHeight, wTitle, wContent) { //OpenWindow(wWidth,wHeight,wTitle,wContent,300,10); OpenWindow(768, 561, wTitle, wContent, 300, 10); } var getItem = 0; function itemWindow(i) { OpenWindow(768, 556, "", ProgressGIF + " Loading...", 300, 10); getItem = i; itemWindow_Title(); } function itemWindow_Title() { var i = getItem; var thr = getAjax(); // force local variable thr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (thr.readyState == 4) { if (thr.status == 200) { //ok result var r = thr.responseText; // get web data winTitle = r; if (document.getElementById('iTitle')) { document.getElementById('iTitle').innerHTML = winTitle; } itemWindow_Body(); } } };"GET", "https://" + homeDomain + "/pages/include_74_ajax.php?getItemTitleForCatalogue=" + i, true); thr.send(null); } function itemWindow_Body() { var i = getItem; var bhr = getAjax(); // force local variable bhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (bhr.readyState == 4) { if (bhr.status == 200) { //ok result var r = bhr.responseText; // get web data winContent = r; if (document.getElementById('iBody')) { document.getElementById('iBody').innerHTML = winContent; } } } };"GET", "https://" + homeDomain + "/pages/include_74_ajax.php?getItemBodyForCatalogue=" + i, true); bhr.send(null); } function OpenWindow(wWidth, wHeight, wTitle, wContent, wHowLongMS, wIncrements) { winMaxWidth = 0; winMaxHeight = 0; winTitle = ""; winContent = ""; winIncrements = 0; winTimer = 0; winLoops = 0; // turn on background DoBackground(); // save variables winMaxWidth = wWidth; winMaxHeight = wHeight, winTitle = wTitle; winContent = wContent; // calculate timer and increments winIncrements = wIncrements; winTimer = Math.floor(wHowLongMS / wIncrements); winLoops = 1; var nWidth = Math.floor((winMaxWidth / winIncrements) * winLoops); var nHeight = Math.floor((winMaxHeight / winIncrements) * winLoops); OpenWindow_Dummy(nWidth, nHeight, "", ""); winTimerMethod = setTimeout(OpenWindow_Timer, winTimer); } function OpenWindow_Timer() { clearTimeout(winTimerMethod); // stop timer winLoops++; if (winLoops == winIncrements) { // we have full window at this time OpenWindow_Dummy_New(winMaxWidth, winMaxHeight, winTitle, winContent); } else { var nWidth = Math.floor((winMaxWidth / winIncrements) * winLoops); var nHeight = Math.floor((winMaxHeight / winIncrements) * winLoops); OpenWindow_Dummy(nWidth, nHeight, "", ""); winTimerMethod = setTimeout(OpenWindow_Timer, winTimer); } } function OpenWindow_Dummy(wWidth, wHeight, wTitle, wContent) { /* old window */ // width, height, title, content var w = document.getElementById('PopupWindow'); w.innerHTML = ''; = 'none'; // set window dimensions, center it on screen var extraPadding = 3; var newWidth = 0, newHeight = 0; newWidth = (wWidth + (extraPadding * 2)); newHeight = (wHeight + 16 + 1 + (extraPadding * 3)); // window area + 16[top] + 1[border between top/bottom] + 3 pads [top,middle,bottom] = newWidth + "px"; = newHeight + "px"; = "-" + (newHeight / 2) + "px"; = "-" + (newWidth / 2) + "px"; // contents var wrapper = ""; wrapper = "
" + wTitle + "
" + "
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" + "
" + wContent + "
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" + "
" + "
" + wTitle + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + wContent + "
" + "
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= wHeight + "px"; = "-" + (wHeight / 2) + "px"; = "-" + (wWidth / 2) + "px"; // contents w.innerHTML = wContent; = 'block'; } function doGiftProcess(i) { var xhr = getAjax(); // force local variable xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { //ok result var r = xhr.responseText; // get web data OpenWindow2(400, 167, r); } } };"GET", "https://" + homeDomain + "/pages/include_74_ajax.php?inquireGift=" + i, true); xhr.send(null); Undo3DPreview2(); DoBackground2(); } function iGiveAPropGift(i) { // check for giftee in gifteeSelect var giftee = document.getElementById('gifteeSelect').options[document.getElementById('gifteeSelect').selectedIndex].value; if (giftee == "0") { alert("You need to search and select a person to send a gift to."); return; } CloseWindow2(); DoBackground2(); var xhr = getAjax(); // force local variable xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { //ok result var r = xhr.responseText; // get web data OpenWindow2(400, 167, r); } } };"GET", "https://" + homeDomain + "/pages/include_74_ajax.php?makeGiftHorseInMouth=" + i + "&for=" + giftee, true); xhr.send(null); } function searchGifteeName() { // input: gifteeSearch // output: gifteeSelect var q = document.getElementById('gifteeSearch').value; if (q.length > 1) { document.getElementById('gifteeSearch').disabled = true; var xhr = getAjax(); // force local variable xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { //ok result // clear select, add blank element document.getElementById('gifteeSelect').innerHTML = ""; var cnt = 0; document.getElementById('gifteeSearch').disabled = false; document.getElementById('gifteeSearch').focus(); var r = xhr.responseText; // get web data var names = JSON.parse(r); for (var id in names) { if (names.hasOwnProperty(id)) { // add some DOM new_option = document.createElement('option'); new_option.text = names[id]; new_option.value = id; document.getElementById('gifteeSelect').add(new_option); cnt++; } } if (cnt == 0) { var new_option = document.createElement('option'); new_option.text = "-- None Found --"; new_option.value = "0"; new_option.selected = true; document.getElementById('gifteeSelect').add(new_option); } } } };"GET", "https://" + homeDomain + "/pages/include_74_ajax.php?gifteeNameSearch=" + q + "&r=" + Math.random(), true); xhr.send(null); } else { document.getElementById('gifteeSelect').innerHTML = ""; var new_option = document.createElement('option'); new_option.text = "-- Type to search --"; new_option.value = "0"; document.getElementById('gifteeSelect').add(new_option); } } function doBuyProcess(i) { var xhr = getAjax(); // force local variable xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { //ok result var r = xhr.responseText; // get web data OpenWindow2(400, 167, r); } } };"GET", "https://" + homeDomain + "/pages/include_74_ajax.php?inquirePurchase=" + i, true); xhr.send(null); Undo3DPreview2(); DoBackground2(); } function gimmieItemFoMyMoneh(i) { CloseWindow2(); DoBackground2(); var xhr = getAjax(); // force local variable xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { //ok result var r = xhr.responseText; // get web data OpenWindow2(400, 167, r); } } };"GET", "https://" + homeDomain + "/pages/include_74_ajax.php?makePurchase=" + i, true); xhr.send(null); } function categoriesToggle() { var c = document.getElementById('categoryHeader').className; if (c.indexOf('catCategoriesOn_228x43') == -1) { ReplaceClass('categoryHeader', 'catCategoriesOff_228x43', 'catCategoriesOn_228x43'); document.getElementById('categoryArea').style.display = 'block'; } else { ReplaceClass('categoryHeader', 'catCategoriesOn_228x43', 'catCategoriesOff_228x43'); document.getElementById('categoryArea').style.display = 'none'; } } function filterToggle() { if (document.getElementById('filterShow').style.display == 'block') { document.getElementById('filterShow').style.display = 'none'; } else { document.getElementById('filterShow').style.display = 'block'; } } function doSearchEvnt(evnt) { if (evnt.keyCode == 13) { doSearch(); } } function doSearch() { var propmasterURI = "", categoryURI = "", queryURI = "", priceURI = ""; if (globalPropmaster != "0") { propmasterURI = "&propmaster=" + globalPropmaster; } if (globalCategory.length != "") { categoryURI = "&category=" + globalCategory; } if (document.getElementById('priceSome').checked) { priceURI = "&price=" + document.getElementById('priceMin').value + ":" + document.getElementById('priceMax').value; } var q = document.getElementById('searchText').value; if (q.length > 0) { queryURI = "&query=" + encodeURIComponent(q); } document.location = "https://" + homeDomain + "/?page=74" + propmasterURI + categoryURI + priceURI + queryURI; } function gotoPropmaster() { id = document.getElementById('propmasterSelect').options[document.getElementById('propmasterSelect').selectedIndex].value; if (id != 0) { document.location = "https://" + homeDomain + "/?page=74&propmaster=" + id; } } function startReportOnItem(item) { CloseWindow(); DoBackground2(); var itemReport; itemReport = "
"; itemReport += ""; itemReport += ""; itemReport += "
"; itemReport += "
"; itemReport += "Submit Report or Cancel"; itemReport += "
"; OpenWindow2(400, 350, itemReport); } function submitReportOnItem() { var item = document.getElementById('some_item').value; var report = document.getElementById('some_complaint').value; document.getElementById('complaint_area').innerHTML = ProgressGIF + " Working..."; // make an ajax post var xhr = getAjax(); // force local variable xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { // "done" CloseWindow2(); } } }; var p = "postReport=1&reportItem=" + item + "&reportData=" + encodeURIComponent(report);"POST", "https://" + homeDomain + "/pages/include_74_ajax.php", true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-length", p.length); xhr.send(p); }